
Follow-up to last week

You didn't think I could just leave you with a dead Mr. Donoghue lying at his wife's feet, did you? Well, Publishers Weekly made sure to follow-up and so will I.

Some choice cuts from Publishers Weekly, April 8, 1893 (No.1106):

Business Notes

CHICAGO, ILL.- It is feared that the death of Horace P. Donoghue, noted in the last issue of PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, will seriously affect the financial standing of several publishing houses. He had been floating accommodation paper of half a dozen publishing concerns in Chicago, four of which may collapse- indeed that of H.J. Smith & Co. is already reported. Two of the concerns in questions will very likely pay their creditors in full and resume business as soon as arrangements can be made with the banks holding their paper.

Literary and Trade Notes

JOHN KNOX MCAFREE, representing A.L. Burt, will leave for the far West on April 17.

EUGENE FIELD is said to be preparing a book about books, one intended for the lover of books.

E.B. GAY, of the Warren School, Charlestown, Mass., was arrested on the 4th inst., charged with stealing valuable books from Brentano's. He is also suspected of of having stolen $95 worth of books from Charles Scribner's Sons. He was held on $1,000 bail for trial.

J.H. MASON, senior member of the J.H. Mason Publishing Co., of St. Louis, met with a horrible death in the Commerce Building in Louisville, Ky., on the 1st inst. Attempting to get out of the elevator on the ninth floor, the car started upward and caught Mr. Mason, catching his head between the rim of the floor of the car and the top of the gate. Before the elevator could be stopped Mr. Mason's body, horribly mutilated, was dashed to the pavement in the basement ten stories below.

LAST week Mark Lewin and Max Windlin, of 345 W. 43rd Street, New York, who keep a newsstand at the corner of 42nd Street and 6th Avenue, were arrested by Anthony Comstock on the charge of having sold books of an improper character to boys. On March 29 Comstock went to the stand and asked for a certain book. He was taken into a basement near by, where the book was sold to him for $1. Comstock obtained a warrant for the men's arrest, and in the Yorkville Police Court the prisoners were held in $500 each for trial.

And one last trade note-

W.H. LOWDERMILK & CO., Washington D.C., have just ready the third volume of the "Digest of Decisions of the Second Comptroller of the Treasury," Compiled by J.Q. Kern. These are the decisions which control all the payments made by the Treasury in the matters which pass the second, third, and fourth auditors, brought down to date in continuation of vol. 2 and covering ten years, 1884-1893,

Foreign Notes

WITH a view to enjoying a holiday at the Chicago Fair, Octave Uzanne, editor of the monthly magazine L'Art et L'Idee, announces that he will suspend its publication for one year. Happy M. Uzanne!

THE proprietor of the famous London bookshop, "Hatchard's," notes a marked advance in bookishness among English women. Asked to what he attributes this, he answered that he thought it to some extent a result of the American woman in English society- the fair American leading her English sister. 'I take it as generally accepted,' he added, "that the average American woman of education is the more bookish- cares more for books as books- than the average educated English woman, although she does not, it may be, read more."


THE CLIMAX AHEAD.- "I've written a novel for school-girls, and they'll never know the climax until they've read it through." "How have you arranged it?" "I've printed the conclusion in the first chapter."- Harper's Bazar.

NOT IN THE SAME SET.- The Parvenu: "Are you fond of belle-lettres?" The Chump: "Belle Letters? Don't know. Never met her." - Chicago News Record.



Blogger Michelle said...

Haha, some good ones this week. I esp like the "book about books... for the lover of books" bit; as well as the "books of an improper character" story.

8:36 AM  

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