
Kindle- not today

So no update in a while since the semester is in full swing.
I was able to finish The Story of Edgar Sawtelle on the Kindle. I found the experience about the same as reading a book. The awkwardness of holding a 1000 page tome was equal to holding a device that kept flipping forward a page based on the placement of the buttons. So it's a tie between the p-book and the e-book reader. The look on the screen was about the same as on a printed page. No feeling of fatigue like reading off a computer screen. It's pretty much the same experience between both types of books. I'll say this, the Kindle's dictionary was one of those extra bonuses I looked forward to, but I found it lacking. Edgar Sawtelle has several sections in the book that focus on etymology, and the built-in dictionary failed to define several of the words. Again I find the two types equal since the slim advantage of having a built-in dictionary is offset by the frustration of spending the time looking up words that aren't available and still having to go to another dictionary.

So my reading experience on the Kindle was pretty much the same as reading a printed book. That makes the Kindle=fail. For $450 $359 (ed: see correction to price in comments below) plus the cost of books, the Kindle needs to offer more. Is the fact that you don't have to physically carry around books worth $450? Other than the benefit of not having to haul physical books, I don't see any compelling reason to use a Kindle.


Kindle shorthand notes

I know I'll probably not get around to several full reports about the Kindle until well after I've grown bored with it. Here are some initial reactions and thoughts as I continue to use it.

-One week now and I have yet to recharge it. It could be that I don't use the whispernet.
-The experience of reading on the Kindle is like reading a printed page. Yes it's true, the e-ink page is a real improvement over previous readers. But that's not a ringing endorsement for the device. I mean it's basically saying, "Hey for $400 you can get a device that give you the same readability as a $20 book." The screen itself is not enough for me to say this is a real advance from the printed page
-The storage on the other hand is nice. I do like that I don't have to carry around an 800 page book. I like the idea that you can carry around several books on one device. That's a definite plus if you're someone who constantly carries around several books.
-I like the "buttons" that allow you to go forward a "page." When I first saw the device I thought the design was ugly (I still think it's ugly), and the buttons kinda silly. But being able to use the side of my hand to move forward is nice, especially on the T (no balancing acts while flipping a page).
-But at the same time I keep flipping pages since there's not a great way to hold the device without hitting a button.
-What happens when you deregister a device?
-Today while waiting on the T, I noticed that the text was a little pixel-y. I'm not sure if it was the battery power, the sun or the angle I was holding the device but it was strange. It wasn't that way during the commute, just those 5 minutes in that one spot.
- PDF problem. I'm going to see what Amazon's conversion does with the PDF, but so far the material I've read using Stanza.
-Questions for library policy:

  1. Access

    • lending policy

    • loan period

    • billing for lost damaged items

    • bar code

    • storage

    • charging of device

    • loading content on device

  2. Acquisitons

    • payment for content

    • accounting of payment

    • other financial issue

  3. Cataloging

    • record for device

    • record for content

    • necessary fields for MARC records

    • OCLC records

    • same record as print?

    • display in OPAC

    • other access points

Okay, that's it for now...