

Now this is depressing.

Gotham Book Mart is apparently closing.

Thank you, Frances Steloff.


Web Serials

I mentioned this to the Domestic Rights Guy (or Dude or Chief or Dogg) some time ago. Get a serial from some of our books on online sites or blogs. And then I saw this.

So here's how we merge the different mediums. Publishers provide content to blogger. Bloggers provide coverage for the book. Everyone wins! (Except for the Subsidiary Rights Department who does the work without the payday.) Maybe this is a new kind of serial rights for the Publicity Department to work on.

I Just Want My Pants Back?!



Now this is a great idea. Literary celebrities, what a gas.

And before it disappears, go read Radio Free PGW. Regnery, really? Did they go to the PBG website at all?


This mark Twain guy, he was a publisher's devil, you say?

First, Lynn Veihl's take on Ambrose Bierce's Devil's Dictionary for the publishing world from an author's perspective.

And Theresa Nielsen Hayden's response.

I loved Bierce's work in the 8th grade, so this was the perfect reading over the weekend as I prepare for classes.

Note to self: Make sure to direct the students to Making Light for their journal project.


Do you live in a city that likes to read?

Not if you're on the East Coast you don't.

I guess we have better things to do in Boston.


Selling books and, well, not selling books

Shelf Awareness starts the new year off with a bang today- filling their daily missive with updates from the publishing world.

I looked through it today due to the catchy tag "Running a bookstore is like running an insane asylum."--George Leibson but then happened upon this article about Amazon pricing.

Here's the thing- Amazon's pricing is not the actual price. It's a sale price. Granted a sale that does not have a predetermined start or end. Amazon is not there to help people find the best deal. It's there to sell you stuff quick for as much as you're willing to pay. Please people, use Isbn.nu if you want to comparison shop.