Publishing notes from the Turn of the Century
NEW YORK CITY- the sheriff last week received an execution against the Club Woman's magazine Publishing Co., of 384 Fifth Avenue, for $824, in favor of William T. Payton, and he levied upon the office furniture. Mr. Payton applied for an injunction to restrain the sheriff.
TRUSLOVE, HANSON, and COMBA, New York, have published a neat edition of "Saunterings in Bookland with Gleanings by the Way," selected and edited by Joseph Shaylor, cmpiler of 'The Pleasures of Literature," and "The Solace of Books."
So much has been said about Tolstoi's "Resurrection," the novel on which he is now at work, that we are glad to learn from the publishers, Dodd, Mead, & co., that it will probably see light before next autumn. Tolstoi (although he has not fully regained his health) is at work completing the story. Much criticism will doubtless be heard concerning the morals of the characters in the story, but those who have read it as far as written pronounce it a terrible arraignment of European morals, and say that it should exert a tremendous influence for good.
A second revised edition, in two volumes, is ready of O.N. Nelson's "History of the Scandinavian in the United States," of which the first volume appeared in 1893, and has now been brought down to 1900, with much new material and several articles entirely rewritten. The bibliography has been increased by 125 titles. The second volume was of such recent issue that the required changes are not so noteworthy. A very important chapter in this work relates to the nationality of criminal and insane persons in the United States. It has been thoroughly approved by experts.
The fact that there were literally several millions of signatures to the protest against admitting Congressman-elect Roberts, of Utah, to a seat in the House of Representatives, shows how keen an interest there still is in the "Morman (sic) question." Believing it to be yet unsolved, and thus vital and timely, Fords, Howard and Hubert are reprinting Mrs. A.S. Paddock's graphic story, "The Fate of Madame La Tour." Already in its tenth thousand, this strange romance of thinly veiled fact depicts the origin, ideas, principles, and methods of Mormon life from the inside in an alluring narrative, but with reasonable accuracy. It should lay hold on a new and larger public.
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